Atheist Brochures, Flyers, Propaganda

Can anyone recommend or point me towards somewhere I can find engaging literature I can print out, either for sticky taping to lamp posts, to church signs, sneakily leave on church pews if I pretend to go to a Sunday service. Things to leave or paste or post where people will notice them, preferably containing thought-provoking stuff on a range of topics (especially science, what with the release of "Expelled" I expect people are soon going to be trotting along safe in their twisted knowledge that evolution makes baby Jesus cry). Why? Because blogging about atheism and sitting at home doing nothing about it doesn't make me too happy, yet neither would running around accosting people on the street or at their homes. I'd make it up myself but my design skills are sorely lacking.
Atheist Answer: 

When searching for such material, it really strikes you how much less there is of it than the Christian equivalent. That doesn't necessarily reflect badly on us, as evangelicals really go overboard in this department. I walked through the National Mall in Washington DC this July 4th and could have pocketed about half a dozen different pamphlets if I'd wanted. (In case you're curious, half were from Jews for Jesus.)

Here is a start: various print media from the Freedom from Religion Foundation. Some of it is US-specific and it's all very wordy, but if you can fit it on a pamphlet it might be useful.

Other than that, pickings are slim.

Perhaps our viewpoint simply comes across better in books than on scraps of paper. If you want something you can whip out the way a Christian would their pocket New Testament, I recommend the compact anthologyThe Portable Atheist, compiled by Christopher Hitchens.

- SmartLX

Edit: At last a resourceful atheist has taken it upon himself to supply us with a handy toolbox of viable paraphernalia. Cheers, Cyberguy.


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I swear i asked this

I swear i asked this question months ago ^^ Thanks for the links SmartLX I'll have to have a look at them later (it's bedtime and I have to work tomorrow!)

Speaking of fliers and propaganda though... At the maccas next to my work, EVERY DAY there are 2-3 little pamphlets in the toilet cubicle about 6x10cms, double sided, with a bunch of crap about how you're going to hell if you don't believe in Jesus, about how there are prophesies from the bible (over FIVE HUNDRED! ZOMG!) that have been observed to have come true, etc. etc.

ONE OF THESE PAMPHLETS, Smart, one of them is titled in bold letters "THE BIBLE: YOUR SCIENCE BOOK"

You have absolutely no idea how much I enjoy throwing one into the toilet and binning the rest. Next time I go I'll have to keep them, scan them and blog them. Some of their arguments for a creator rival some of the shallowest appeals to ignorance and emotion you've ever seen. And I shall now counter them with atheist fliers: just one, not 2-5.

And not in the TOILET cubicle.

P.S.: I don't have a scanner, so typed out the three pamphlets that I currently have in my possession on my blog. I'd love to ask Smart to go through them and point out the many serious deficiencies in their reasoning but seriously: There are too many and it would take too much time.

Or a direct link:

P.P.S To the printing guy: Which country are you in though and how much is this so0rt of thing going to cost (before I go around providing you with my email address :P)


I actually own a printing company and have been looking for a group of people with clever ideas and sayings to print stickers and flyers. There would have to be some benefit to all of this as well. I would love to promote a website other than my own, maybe a blog about atheism like this one or a couple of others. I am open to all ideas and will be linking this post to my blog as well. I would like to get a few people together to come up with some good ideas. I will take care of the printing end of things and mail them out for distribution. Contact me directly if you are onboard. I also posted a link back to this article here:

[email protected]

Oh I see: a spammer. Well,

Oh I see: a spammer. Well, never mind I suppose.