A revealed religion is defined everywhere I can find it as, "A religion founded primarily on the revelations of God to humankind." Of course that means there can only be one genuinely revealed religion at most, and if atheism is correct then there aren't any at all. To allow for all competing religions, I would amend the definition to, "A religion which claims to be founded primarily on the revelations of a god or gods to humankind." Otherwise, we can talk about which religions see themselves as revealed religions.
Into that category we would certainly put Judaism, Christianity and Islam by virtue of the messages from God/Allah via Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and various angels' messages to others. Within Christianity, Mormonism has a claim of additional revelation through the angel Moroni to Joseph Smith.
Outside of the Abrahamic religions, it's difficult to find even solid claims of revelation, let alone evidence. The first Buddha was apparently a self-made miracle worker who received his holy powers from the universe itself. Hinduism had a period in its mythological history where the gods regularly interacted with humans, but the subject of conversation wasn't usually the religion itself so I'm not sure that counts. There may be others, like Zoroastrianism in the Middle East, but their histories are harder to find.
The status of "revealed" seems moot when actually comparing religions, as each one will summarily dismiss any contradictory revelations as false.
- SmartLX