The Great Big Arguments #4: Design

Here's a sample of the many different ways in which the same basic question is posed: How did all the beauty around us come to be? How did intelligent people come from monkeys, or oranges, or sludge, or nothing at all? How did life begin if the chances of the necessary proteins assembling was one in ten to the power of hundreds? (The next one's taken from an actual wall poster:) How can anyone witness a sunset and not believe in God? Why is there any order to the universe? Why are the fundamental constants of the universe tuned so that matter, and humans, can exist at all? How is it that we live, and live in such a wonderful world, if it all came about by chance?
Atheist Answer: 

From the development of the eye to the beauty of a waterfall to the exact value of the gravitational constant, theists may claim that anything natural with any quality to it whatsoever must have been deliberately crafted with humanity in mind. This is the Argument from Design.

Even if it were correct, it's a terribly egotistical way of looking at the world. And even if it were proven to be correct, no religion would have any basis upon which to claim that the designer or creator was its particular god or gods.

The basic answer to the argument from design is that there is no substantive evidence for it and therefore 1. to assume design in the presence of alternative theories supported by substantive evidence is putting one's head in the sand and 2. to assume design even in the complete absence of alternative theories is an argument from ignorance.

Beginning with evolution and the development of intelligent humans, there is a huge amount of geological, genetic and observed evidence to support the currently held view of the "tree of life". Evolution of subspecies is observed all the time, and contrary to a common objection whole new species have been seen to emerge, and recently. (This article on speciation has some examples.)

Contrary to another creationist talking point, there are tons of known transitional fossils. Contrary to Kirk Cameron, these don't look like half of one animal joined to half of another (like his famous Croco-duck). They're more like what you get if you morph a whole picture of one into a picture of the other, but stop halfway.

To dismiss evolution as a useless series of random changes is an argument from personal incredulity, which is a type of argument from ignorance. It's also wrong. The mutations are random, but only the beneficial mutations tend to be passed on by sheer survival and procreation skills. Evolution doesn't just try random things and get it right every time, it tries everything and goes with what works. It's like trying to hit a dartboard by spraying the whole wall with a machine gun. You'll miss a lot, but you'll hit it too.

Intelligence came about because at every stage in the development of primates, the ones who are just that little bit smarter than everyone else will always have the advantage. Over millions of years, it all adds up. Along with this comes morality (since good deeds are often rewarded), an appreciation of beauty (since it helps if what's pleasing to the eye is usually not diseased, poisonous or dirty) and emotions (to motivate us to do what's helpful to us and others).

Going back to the origin of life, abiogenesis as it was called could have occurred by a number of different chemical processes. So far scientists have used electricity (lightning) and a replica of the ancient atmosphere to create amino acids, which are pretty close. With a whole world full of chemicals being blown and washed into each other and billions of years to work, there was ample time and material for the components of the first replicating organism to slowly accumulate. The huge odds against this often given by folks like Hoyle generally assume that they all had to come together at once, which they didn't. Once one little bit of DNA was off and running, evolution and exponential growth took over.

Before we tackle the whole universe at once, let's consider Earth. Someone might claim that God put Earth exactly where it needed to be relative to the Sun so that liquid water and therefore life could form. We now know, however, that there are a lot more planets out there, and probably huge numbers of undiscovered ones. It's not that Earth was placed where liquid water could form. Rather, liquid water only forms on planets of the right temperature and Earth happened to fit the bill. Lots more planets might. This is called the anthropic principle: places aren't made for humans, humans just have a chance of turning up in hospitable places. Even on Earth there are many places we can't survive, like inside volcanoes and kilometres under the sea. So, we didn't emerge from there. Big surprise.

The largest design claim has to do with the fundamental constants of the universe. Six major ones are usually mentioned: those pertaining to gravity, electromagnetism, spatial dimensions and other less famous concepts. As is repeated endlessly, the slightest difference in any of them might result in matter being unable to form or stay together. This is the "fine-tuned universe" argument.

The problem is that even if this is true, there could still be other values of the constants which support matter. Perhaps instead of changing one or two slightly, you need to shift four of them by a huge amount. Considering that some of the constants could even be negative, you've got an infinite six-dimensional sample space in which to test hypothetical universes. We may never know whether our values are the only valid ones. Or, we may stumble upon another valid combination and that'll be the end of this argument.

Besides, the anthropic principle applies again if you consider the theory of a multiverse. If there are multiple (perhaps infinite) universes each with its own set of constants, of course we're going to turn up in the universe with a friendly combination. Other life forms may be thriving in universes where we wouldn't last for a second, and understanding how would require us to re-learn physics from scratch.

Contesting the argument from design is hard work, because to be most effective you need to know the going theories for whatever phenomenon is in question. I've tackled the most common ones, but be prepared for just about anything useful or pretty to be presented as direct evidence for gods. Then you need only find out where it really came from.

- SmartLX


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Re: The Great Big Arguments #4: Design

Hi SmartLX,

"Even if it were correct, it's a terribly egotistical way of looking at the world. And even if it were proven to be correct, no religion would have any basis upon which to claim that the designer or creator was its particular god or gods."

Egotistical? I don't think you can claim that unless it is proven that there are Aliens, as for animals, one celled organisms, etc, they are living right here with us. So obviously what is good for us is good for them.

No Religion? Look at some religions other than Christianity. Look at hinduisim for example. hindus never know how many succesfull lifetimes they have to live to succesfully work out karma. They believe that the universe is an extention of the universal force called brahmin, the ultimate escence.
That God is the universe and the universe is God, and that there is no one separate creator.
They believe that the universe is eternal, modern astronomers have found that all the evidence point to the universe having a definite starting point however.

Jewish, Muslim and Christianity are all close to each other, with one crucial difference about Jesus.

It seems the Jews didn't believe in Jesus because they figured if Jesus was the messiah, he would have freed them from Roman rule and been a powerful ruler who would have restored Israel to its former glory. But Jesus came to free them (and everyone) not from Rome, but from sin. It is prophecied in the bible that around the time of the rapture, probably after, will be a mass conversion of Jews, and they will finally see that Jesus is the messiah. The Christ who fullfilled all of the prophecies made about him by Moses, David, Isaiah, etc.

The bible has over 40 authors that span 1500 years all with same consistent message.

The muslims believe that Jesus was never crucified, God rescued him and took him straight to heaven. They believed he was just a prophet. However, Jesus' crucifiction was documented by christians and non christians.

There is a void in everyone which can only be filled by God. (As God willing you will come to know), but to muslims, Allah is someone to worship and serve from far away even in paradise.

Did you know that muslims dont know how many daily prayers they have to perform to earn their way into paradise? They never know if they've done enough praying or fasting or making pilgrimages, or giving to the poor.

"1. to assume design in the presence of alternative theories supported by substantive evidence is putting one's head in the sand"

But if you assume it is not intelligent design in the presence of the alternative theory of intelligent design, wouldnt that also then be putting your head in the sand?

Talking about putting your head in the sand, please read the below. (Please read to the bottom of it as you have time).

And regarding layers in the earth which appear to be so old, please read (There are links on the left side of the page if you are interested too).

"We now know, however, that there are a lot more planets out there, and probably huge numbers of undiscovered ones. It's not that Earth was placed where liquid water could form. Rather, liquid water only forms on planets of the right temperature and Earth happened to fit the bill. Lots more planets might. This is called the anthropic principle: places aren't made for humans, humans just have a chance of turning up in hospitable places."

Until you have evidence of aliens, or another planet where we could survive like ours, I dont think you can use this argument, or say at all that places aren't made for humans, humans just have a chance of turning up in hospitable places.

God exists, in the end you will see that. Please come to the Lord Jesus now. He loves you all.

Let me know what you think.

God bless you.


GBA4 defence

Hi Maroun, welcome to the party at last.

According to Christianity, are we God's favoured creations or not? It's a nice bonus that the conditions which allow us to thrive also allow other creatures to exist alongside us (and possibly aliens, when you consider the universe as a whole), but the point of the design argument is that we are the desired end result of the universe, and the principal instruments of whatever great plan is in place. That's why Jesus, for example, was supposedly sent to Earth in particular. It's all about us, apparently, and that's licence to be very self-centred.

Of course there are arguments advancing various gods as the right one, but not by way of the design argument. If you do convince someone using apparent design that there must be a god, you then have to use additional arguments to convince the person that it's your god. That's exactly what you're now doing when you launch into your spiel about Jesus and the Bible.

Modern astronomers find that evidence points to the Big Bang 14 billion years ago, but whether that was a starting point or just a major event in a continuing history is still up for debate. Regardless, every creation myth has to choose either a beginning or an eternity. It's not very impressive if it gets it right, since there's a one in two chance.

The Bible does have a lot of authors, and the message is consistent. That's because the 66 most consistent books were edited together out of a field of over 400, including several excised Gospels. The later authors had in general read the work of the earlier authors, so like a scriptwriter writing a sequel, they knew how to maintain continuity.

Where was Jesus' crucifiction documented by non-Christians?

As I said, and as you said I said, "to assume design in the presence of alternative theories supported by substantive evidence is putting one's head in the sand." The "theory" of intelligent design is not supported by substantive evidence, so dismissing it is just sensible.

I read your Evolution Hoax link.
- There is no recorded history before 4000 BC because literacy itself emerged at about that time. Before then, all the evidence, even for humans, is archaeological. Nevertheless, there is scads of it. On this page is a list of all the cilivisations which existed in the 5th millennium BC or the years 7000-6000 BC. That's the thousand years before the world was supposedly created.
- There are no primitive languages still spoken because they were superceded by the well-structured languages we speak today. Think of the academic affort required to maintain scientific use of Latin, now that nobody speaks it anymore. Without all that documentation, it would have vanished. Primitive languages pre-dated literacy, so there was no documentation. They're lost to us.
- Languages are disappearing now because communication between people is constantly increasing. New languages used to form when groups were cut off from one another by distance. Modern communication is destroying diversity in this small way.
- Innovation and advancement increases exponentially. As communication improves, minds can collaborate more efficiently and each great leap forward is made on the back of the last. There is not simply a sudden acceleration after the supposed time of Moses. Even before that, humans had advanced more in the last five thousand years than in the previous hundred thousand.

I also read your Evidence for a Young Earth link.
- The Earth is a busy place, and some layers of the Geologic Column do not appear everywhere or are disturbed in places. Tectonic plate movement will do that. However, the Column exists in its entirety in North Dakota in the right order.
- Polystrate fossils, or those which penetrate several layers, are created during periods of rapid sedimentation, such as a flood or mudslide. Floods and mudslides happen, obviously, so we would expect to see some polystrate fossils. If they were all created by Noah's Flood, on the other hand, not only would we see them all at roughly the same level but all fossils at that depth worldwide would be polystrate. Neither is true, at any depth.
- Fossilisation might be able to happen rapidly, I don't know. We don't know that fossils are millions or billions of years old just because they're fossils though. We know because of radiometric dating. These dating techniques are based on an independent principle of radioactive decay and do not depend on circular reasoning, for example using the rocks and trees around them. We simply use the surrounding material to check the results for obvious errors.

The anthropic principle is valid despite your objection. All places are not made for humans, for instance the vacuum of space or the bottom of the sea or the surface of Mars. We could not emerge in such inhospitable places, because our ancestors would have died instantly, so we haven't. While finding another hospitable planet would refute the "Privileged Planet" argument conclusively, it is impossible to say that Earth is the only such planet without knowing that all other planets are inhospitable. For that, you'd need to be omniscient.

Cheers for the links, they're good fodder.

Re: The Great Big Arguments #4: Design

Hi SmartLX,

We are God's favoured creations yes, and a bonus it is to have animals with us. God gave us animals to enjoy. That's why I had talked with you earlier about dogs, they are so loving, loyal, and are great companions. But anyway I really dont think God created aliens. God created us to enjoy our company! But then you know the story Im sure, the devil was proud, he coveted what God had and got thrown out of heaven with 1/3 or all of the angels, and ever since then the devil has been trying to destory what God does, since he can't mess with God directly, he goes after the ones God (If you want to learn more about the devil being cast down it is in Isaiah).

"then have to use additional arguments to convince the person that it's your god. That's exactly what you're now doing when you launch into your spiel about Jesus and the Bible." Let every person pray and see for themselves, as I told you in my last e-mail to you (which by the way I would still like an answer to...maybe when we are done here on ata with those links you sent me), and I will paste it here again:

"As long as you prayed, sincerely wanting the truth in your heart, then I am a happy man, because I know God is going to reveal himself to you. If you didn't please pray again sincerely wanting the truth in your heart, and tell God you want to know the truth, and if the truth is that he is real, to reveal himself to you."

Regarding the books of the bible:

"The "lost books" were never lost. These so called lost books were already known by the Jews and the Christians and were not considered inspired. They weren't lost nor were they removed from the Bible because they were never in the Bible to begin with."

If you want to read more, you can do so at

Regarding the authors knowing how to maintain continuity, it is not like they are copying each other word for word! In addition to that, how were all of the prophecies about Jesus made by them fulfilled by the letter? If you want to read about them:

Regarding "Where was Jesus' crucifiction documented by non-Christians?"

There are probably more sources if you want.

Again, I give you the following link (press Ctrl-F if you dont want to read the whole thing again, and look for Kennedy)

I don't understand how you could say "The "theory" of intelligent design is not supported by substantive evidence, so dismissing it is just sensible." How is the evidence of what you think greater than the evidence for what I think? As I said with the example of humans popping up where conditions are right arguement, you still cannot even use that correct me if Im wrong, until you prove there are aliens out there. I will get to your points below too.

Regarding something like the wheel for example:

"According to archaeologists, it was probably invented in around 8,000 B.C. in Asia. The oldest wheel known however, was discovered in Mesopotamia and probably dates back to 3,500 B.C."

Probably? Again (I will backup my claim of young earth/rock layers below) archaeologists probably think things are that old because they are misaken about the age of the rock layers they are found in, just like was in my last young earth link.

"The oldest wheel found in archeological excavations was discovered in what was Mesopotamia and is believed to be over fifty-five hundred years old.

It is generally presumed that the first wheel was invented around the beginning of human history, probably around the same time that man first observed that a round log has the ability to roll along the ground."

If man was around for as long as you think, why in the world did it seemingly take us so long to figure out the wheel?

"Even before that, humans had advanced more in the last five thousand years than in the previous hundred thousand."

Ignoring the fact that I believe the earth was not around five thousand years before Moses, how on earth would you know that?

A bit convenient for literacy to emerge at about the same time when I believe God created the world don't you think?

"If they were all created by Noah's Flood, on the other hand, not only would we see them all at roughly the same level but all fossils at that depth worldwide would be polystrate. Neither is true, at any depth."

"To the average person, the most powerful witness to claims of vast prehistoric ages is the testimony of sometimes thousands of feet of sedimentary-rock layers and the fossils they contain. The sight of the Grand Canyon with its layer upon layer of sedimentary rock seems to imply the requirement of vast amounts of time. Evolutionists believe and propose that each layer represents an ancient world that long since perished. Recent-creationists, on the other hand, believe that these rock layers were all deposited quickly under catastrophic conditions in the relatively recent past. The occurrence of polystrate fossils in numerous places around the world is one dramatic piece of evidence that the recent-creationists may be right. " (

Regarding your column in North Dakota, I don't think the rock layers are as old as you think they are, but much younger.

"Undisturbed bedding planes. Different geologic rock layers often show sharp, knife-edge breaks between layers, with no evidence of erosion between. This is not realistic if the layers formed over long periods of time.

--Morris, J. D. 1994. The Young Earth. Master Books. pp. 98-100."

I got that from, and I suggest you read more on that page if you are interested in the truth, I read some of it and it is great.

Regarding radiometric dating, please read the following:

"Also, large numbers of radioactive-dating discrepancies and anomalies can be cited to indicate that unknown factors and faulty assumptions may be at work. In 1968 scientists applied radiometric dating to some rocks that were known to be less than 170 years old. They knew this because the rocks had been formed by a volcanic eruption in 1800 on the island of Hualalai in Hawaii. The radioactive ages determined for these 170-year-old rocks ranged from 160 million to 3 billion years.2 Obviously, something is wrong with this method. We will deal with this subject further in chapter 11." (

Two more links against Radiometric Dating:
One for Carbon 14

"All places are not made for humans, for instance the vacuum of space or the bottom of the sea or the surface of Mars. We could not emerge in such inhospitable places, because our ancestors would have died instantly, so we haven't. While finding another hospitable planet would refute the "Privileged Planet" argument conclusively, it is impossible to say that Earth is the only such planet without knowing that all other planets are inhospitable. For that, you'd need to be omniscient."

That is why God did not put us there. He put us here on this beautiful planet. Anyway I think Jesus is coming back long before we would have the technology to see all the planets in the universe, but again, I think even if we had it, you would see no other planets with aliens.

By the way there are other arguments the privileged planet brings up other than the one you told me about by e-mail. I am sure God reminded me of them (one I sent you in my last e-mail I believe), perhaps we will discuss them another day.


GBA4 escalation

I'm pretty familiar with what you believe about the universe. What you need to do now is back it up with more evidence than was in The Privileged Planet (and not debunked elsewhere on the Web), and instead you're recounting the Bible story. That's only useful among those who accept the Bible in the first place.

Do you understand what one does by praying, Maroun? One does not search for a god, one assumes that there is one there to talk to. If unbelievers pray enough, it will become natural enough to temporarily assume this that they may forget that it is an assumption at all, and guide themselves into believing full-time without any evidence at all. This, in my opinion, is how sincere prayer creates belief, not because it actually catches God's ear. It's close to a form of brainwashing.

Regardless of what you think of my opinion, the fact remains that an atheist, by definition, cannot sincerely pray. I prayed as sincerely as I possibly could, but I could not simply forget that I was likely talking to nobody. For me, and for any atheist, truly sincere prayer is self-deceit.

The "lost books" weren't lost, as you say. They were edited out. As the link says they were not included in the Bible because, among other things, they contained historical inaccuracies that could not be explained away. This means the Bible was deliberately assembled from the available material to be as credible and as internally consistent as possible, which was my point.

Regarding prophecies, it's simple enough to fulfil individual prophecies as brief and vague as "His acquaintances fled from Him" by writing as little as one line in the New Testament, whether or not it was true. If modern apologists can make lists of important prophecies like those you've provided, so could the authors of the NT. I sure as heck would have, if I knew I had to establish a character as divine.

The most reliable secular sources your link gives for the crucifiction of Jesus are Josephus and Tacitus. Rook Hawkins has tackled Josephus right here on this site. Tacitus, Josephus and Lucian are all covered in this more general article on the main RRS site.

Your Kennedy argument using the link is that the apostles writing that Jesus was God is like someone today writing that JFK was God. The first Gospels came out at least 30 years after the supposed crucifiction, which in those days was more than the average life expectancy. Almost everyone who might have seen Jesus in person was dead when the Gospels were finished, and most left alive were illiterate and couldn't write contrary accounts. The authors waited long enough.

I can't prove that there are other life-friendly planets until we find aliens, but I'm not trying to prove that. You can't prove Earth is the only habitable planet without a complete catalogue of all planets in the universe. Your argument is a positive claim that Earth is unique and therefore designed, so you do need to prove it. My argument is merely, "Not necessarily."

Some civilisations never figured out the wheel. The Australian Aborigines never developed it, because they never needed it. (They went straight to the aerofoil, which makes boomerangs fly.) For a related example, the Romans invented steam locomotion but never bothered to put it to practical use. Once it WAS put to use in the 17th century, it set off a mountain of other advances. Same with the wheel, wherever it turned up. Inventions beget inventions.

Nobody uses the existence of ancient wheels to date the beginning of humanity, and the guess of 8000 BC is openly acknowledged as a guess. Stone tools from up to 10000 BC (the Stone Age), on the other hand, are positive evidence for the existence of human tools in antiquity. Before that, we have bones. Radiometric dating gives us ages for human relics, and I'll defend that later.

A bit convenient for the world according to the Bible to begin a tiny bit further back than any written history that might otherwise contradict it, don't you think? (The Biblical age wasn't calculated officially until 1650, by Archbishop Ussher.) Strange coincidences don't often bother me. As an ongoing phenomenon, they're commonplace and far from strange.

Your Ackerman link about polystrate fossils does not address either of my criteria. The fossils are isolated, and not all level.

Not all divisions between strata are sharp. Even if they were, are they explained any better by a constant Flood depositing random crud non-stop? No, the strata are different because the sedimentary medium is different each time (tranquil water, water with algae, mud, etc.) Whatever geological events replace one medium with another do not need long to occur: a flood (the ordinary kind), an earthquake, a volcano thousands of miles away, whatever.

The Hualalai dating failure is explained here. The point of the experiment was to test the potassium-argon method (one of almost 20) on volcanic rock. Rich argon deposits from deep underground peppered the rock, so some parts had too much of it and some had none. Thus K-Ar dating is no longer used on such rock in favour of other radiometric methods. The experiment improved the accuracy of radiometric dating.

Carbon-14 dating, another of the many methods, is only accurate for objects less than 50,000 years old due to the half-life of carbon-14. It's therefore useless for dinosaur bones, as the scientists found, so other isotopes are now used. Horses for courses.

If something from our personal correspondence is relevant, Maroun, post it here in the open.

Re: The Great Big Arguments #4: Design

Hi SmartLX,

"That's only useful among those who accept the Bible in the first place."

If I think that it is relevant I'm going to put it in if you don't mind, watched the Kirk/Ray/RRS debate and something they said is very true, how is it that the bible knew such advanced scientific facts in a time when they were not yet known? Such as in Job, with him knowing the earth hanging on nothing when people thought the earth was flat and rested on the back of two giant turtles, or 4 giant elephants Ive heard too, or held up by Atlas, etc. The second they mentioned was from Isaiah and a round earth, both and more, are shown here:

"it will become natural enough to temporarily assume this that they may forget that it is an assumption at all, and guide themselves into believing full-time without any evidence at all. This, in my opinion, is how sincere prayer creates belief, not because it actually catches God's ear. It's close to a form of brainwashing."

Really, no evidence, leaving out the bible and what Jesus did, and how many prophecies have and are coming true, I look at what has happened in my life, and in my Father/Mother's life, in my pastors life, that is even more proof. (If anyone wants to know about those please let me know, SmartLX already knows. I could recount more too if you want. More thoughts on praying below your next quote.

"Regardless of what you think of my opinion, the fact remains that an atheist, by definition, cannot sincerely pray. I prayed as sincerely as I possibly could, but I could not simply forget that I was likely talking to nobody. For me, and for any atheist, truly sincere prayer is self-deceit."

But you, as a person searching for the truth, should not automatically assume that it is self-deceit...I have told you about my and others experiences, however you told me "Your personal experience of God is no good to me", Ok, then prove it to yourself! You also wrote "A human being is capable of convincing him or herself of anything", Ok, so do you believe your brain is powerful enough to create miracles and do things which you don't already know about such as my pastors car straigtening out and other things you dont know about? Not to mock, but just as a funny note :O) perhaps we are turning into mutants, like the X-Men :OD . But seriously, like I said, if you are seriously searching for the truth, just pray seriously seeking truth, (not thinking God is fake because you are looking for truth), pray sincerly with your whole heart and pray to God that if he is real, to reveal himself to you, and HE WILL.

"The "lost books" weren't lost, as you say. They were edited out. As the link says they were not included in the Bible because, among other things, they contained historical inaccuracies that could not be explained away."

The one which concerns me is that they were not considered inspired. In other words the author was not inspired by the Holy Spirit to write what they did. Would you want something in God's word which is not from God/seemingly not approved by God to be in there? I'm sure if God wanted them in they would be.

Regarding historical inaccuracies, if you are one of the people who tried to delude people with the bible, why in the world would you try to do that by in the first place, writing historically inaccurate information?? Wouldn't you want to from the get go try to make it as believable as possible? Therefore do the obvious things first like making it very historically accurate?

Anyway, the bible is indeed Historically accurate, if you are interested you can get Drive thru History by Dave Stotts (on four dvds) of the Drive Thru History with Dave Stotts (Rome, Greece, Turkey and East meets West, watch them if you want more evidence of God/Jesus. Also if you like history. They have DVD sets on America too.

"If modern apologists can make lists of important prophecies like those you've provided, so could the authors of the NT."

I don't understand, they are taking those prophecies from the bible, old testament and new... Regarding brief and vague, I already sent you the first link, but take a look at it if you want, The second if you want too.

Are all of those brief and vague? I read what they were in the first link I gave you and maybe 2, 3, 4, and maaaybe 5 could be considered vague/brief/easy to fulfill. But even if there are those and more like those, in combination with the more complex and much more complex ones...are they easy to fulfill? How do you explain that?

"The most reliable secular sources your link gives for the crucifiction of Jesus are Josephus and Tacitus. Rook Hawkins has tackled Josephus right here on this site. Tacitus, Josephus and Lucian are all covered in this more general article on the main RRS site.

Regarding Rook Hawkins, I have seen/heard (youtube) and read things about him that make was he has to say questionable. If he would like to deny these things, he should probably do so to the people who are accusing him of such things. One of which, is here, and here with his e-mail address at the end

Please read

"Almost everyone who might have seen Jesus in person was dead when the Gospels were finished, and most left alive were illiterate and couldn't write contrary accounts. The authors waited long enough."

Almost everyone?...most left alive were illiterate and couldn't write contrary account? How in the world do you know that?

I like this which I read. "That Christians were persecuted and fed to the lions within the lifetime of people who knew Jesus is almost unquestioned, so I can say without hesitation that, according to generally accepted historical record, people who lived in the first and second century, who were contemporaries of Jesus and his disciples, believed he was real and chose to be tortured to death under Nero and others rather than deny that the gospel of Jesus is truth. This qualifies as a very strong case for the authenticity of the gospel since most people will not choose torture or being fed to lions to defend a lie... many wouldn't to defend the truth. Nero ruled from about 54AD to 69AD which was within the lifetime of some of the disciples of Jesus. Much more could be said."

Watch the following movie (a bit over three minutes), it's pretty cool...

Regarding our planet being the only inhabited or not, I think it would be foolish for us to keep arguing, as you are right, we need more information.

"Stone tools from up to 10000 BC (the Stone Age), on the other hand, are positive evidence for the existence of human tools in antiquity. Before that, we have bones. Radiometric dating gives us ages for human relics, and I'll defend that later."

Regarding your arguments with Radiometric dating. Because there appear to be flaws with Radiometric dating, such the ones i've provided you with like:

, and give a more in depth read, it is also discrediting radiometric dating.

If you dont see my point anyway perhaps our arguments regarding whether or not radiometric dating/carbon 14/young earth/old earth are also going to go in circles.

If you agree lets discuss the other topics, if not we can keep going, what do think? (If you want to see more arguments from my side regarding flaws just google them, I dont want to kill you with links here...)

Ok, I am bringing them in as needed (things from e-mail).

I was thinking it would be great if you came here or I went there and we had an in person debate, would be better than spending so much time typing... :O)


Getting a bit broad

Even Hindus thought that the turtle holding up the elephants holding up the Earth was floating on nothing, so it's not as if the idea of a floating Earth was new. Atlas didn't hold up the Earth, he stood on it holding the heavens. Isaiah mentions the "circle of the Earth", which probably meant a disc rather than a sphere.

Claims that the Bible predicts modern science are vastly outnumbered by claims that the Quran does the same thing. Similar to my position on prophecies, I might believe one or the other when someone actually obtains a useful, as yet unknown scientific advance from either book and then confirms it using conventional science.

Some prophecies, by oblique interpretations, have come true because once a prophecy is made, it has an unlimited amount of time in which to come true. Wait long enough, and those which don't require the impossible will eventually come to pass. These Biblical prophecies took 2000 years plus.

My opinion on prayer is simply that, my personal opinion. It's also my experience, because remembering that I don't think there's a God, I would have to trick myself in order to pray sincerely to Him. Asking to nobody in particular whether there's anyone there, I can do sincerely. Believe me, I have. No answer.

Who decided which books were inspired of God? Humans. Was historical accuracy a criterion for deciding whether a given book was inspired? Probably. How did they "make" the Bible historically accurate, without changing the supposed word of God? By removing all the books with obvious mistakes. Importantly, there were books with obvious mistakes, so if people thought they were writing God's infallible word, some were wrong. How did the others therefore know they were right?

If I were writing the Bible in order to delude, I would try to be historically accurate, but chances are I would make mistakes. That appears to be just what happened. This Bible has a good list of the remaining contradictions.

The 10 prophecies about Israel and Jerusalem were almost foregone conclusions given that Jews would always value both locations and work to protect and improve them. (Not a single mention of the Muslims, though.) The 100 other prophecies are partly along the same lines, and partly about Jesus. As for those, if you really want to know why the Messianic prophecies might not apply to Jesus, I'm not the one you need to talk to. Go see a rabbi.

If you won't read the work of Rook Hawkins, fine. Wikipedia has the same objections, and so do many other sources. Rook didn't write the other article on Jo, Tacitus and Lucian. It's by todangst and it's based mostly on published works.

The literacy rate of citizens in 1st century Israel was close to 3%. The average life expectancy worldwide was under 30 years. That's why, 30 years after the supposed Crucifiction, most or all witnesses would be dead or illiterate.

The last Lee Strobel argument I tackled was the the very issue of followers dying for a lie. In short, it's plausible.

We are indeed going in circles regarding radiometric dating. The first link concerns an issue with uranium dating on magma with variable uranium, and the second has the already-answered one about K-Ar dating on rocks with variable argon. If an isotope is subject to change in an area, the dating method which uses that isotope should not be used in that area or on those rocks. These results prove that. Radiometric dating as a whole is now more reliable as a result.

The actual topic of this thread is the argument from design. If you want to keep going, please try to focus on that, otherwise pick other questions to comment on.

Re: The Great Big Arguments #4: Design

Hi SmartLX,

"Even Hindus thought that the turtle holding up the elephants holding up the Earth was floating on nothing"

Site please

"Isaiah mentions the "circle of the Earth", which probably meant a disc rather than a sphere."

Common! :O) First of all, if he didnt mean sphere, how would he know that the earth is round/disclike if he thought the earth was flat? Why would he say this if he wasnt sure, and the earth could have been a flat square, or rectangle, or have no defined shape?

"Claims that the Bible predicts modern science are vastly outnumbered by claims that the Quran does the same thing. Similar to my position on prophecies"

Please read all of the things in my link (very important, maybe takes 5-10 minutes,) then compare them to some of the things written in your link from the Qu'ran and judge for yourself...
Here is the link again -

"Some prophecies, by oblique interpretations, have come true because once a prophecy is made, it has an unlimited amount of time in which to come true. Wait long enough, and those which don't require the impossible will eventually come to pass. These Biblical prophecies took 2000 years plus."

And how many more are going to convince you? Like I told you before, I believe the rapture is very soon, whether it is in or around 2012, I don't know, but I do believe it is in our lifetime... I really hope for your sake it's not going to take the rapture to make you see the light, because what follows the rapture is going to be...bad. But in case that is when you see the truth, don't ever forget, NEVER get the mark of the beast/antichrist or worship him/his image. If you turn to Jesus and trust in him/do his will even to your death on this earth, you will be saved.

Regarding prayer, Trick to me in your case sounds like You already know 100% that there is no God, and so you would be "tricking" yourself. Just keep an open mind to the possibility that there might be a God, and as a favor to me, pray to Jesus and just say with sincerity, "Lord Jesus, if you really are the Son of God, please show me, Amen." Please do it with sincerity/really wanting to find out the TRUTH in your heart.

"Who decided which books were inspired of God? Humans. Was historical accuracy a criterion for deciding whether a given book was inspired? Probably. How did they "make" the Bible historically accurate, without changing the supposed word of God? By removing all the books with obvious mistakes. Importantly, there were books with obvious mistakes, so if people thought they were writing God's infallible word, some were wrong. How did the others therefore know they were right?"

I don't think we can debate about being inspired by the Holy Spirit because you do not know what it is like to have the Holy Spirit in your life yet. But regarding historical accuracy, how in the world am I for example, going to believe that what I am hearing is from God, if what I think God is saying is that the 42nd president of the United States is George Washington...That is obviously not from God, what went on with those cases with obvious historical evidence is weird...why were they written down etc? I don't know...

"If I were writing the Bible in order to delude, I would try to be historically accurate, but chances are I would make mistakes. That appears to be just what happened. This Bible has a good list of the remaining contradictions.

Common, you would make mistakes with obvious historical inaccuracies?? Regarding your link, please go here -

"The 100 other prophecies are partly along the same lines, and partly about Jesus."

Read more, there are others not only about Jesus and Israel, which again brings up the question, how much will it take to convince you?

Regarding islam, muslims actually claim the bible predicts about Muhammed, you can read about why that is wrong here -

The Jews don't believe Jesus fulfilled all of the messianic prophecies:

"A. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).

B. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).

C. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)

D. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world -- on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9)."

And they are right, he didn't...YET. These are all God willing going to be fulfilled by him after his second coming to earth, when he will set up his kingdom to which there will be no end. By the way, if you read the scripture about the "third temple" it never says it will be the "third".

Also what about all of the other messianic prohecies Jesus fulfilled???

Anyway...regarding the rebuttals about Josephus, and about Tacitus, Lucian, Pliny and Papias, I already gave you the link for the rebuttal for those... -

So convienient it seems in your thoughts that the disciples themselves seemingly outlived all other literate people who saw Jesus in order to complete their deception...

I already know of your argument that you think people can die for a lie, I reaaally dont think they can... especially given deaths that weren't exactly ... fun. (Only John died peacefully). For more on the disciples death please read

Right, so regarding Radiometric dating I think it is false given my links, and you think it is given yours...I think just like the more earth type argument, we need more information to debate more effectively...perhaps something will be discovered in the near future.

"The actual topic of this thread is the argument from design..."

I know...but given we are ultimately debating if God is real of not, I think it is ok... however, if you dont want to continue here perhaps you can open a more broad argument page?

Have a good day.


All about gods

Turns out the Hindu turtle, Chukwa, swims in an infinite sea of milk. That's not what I thought, but since there was no concept of the vacuum of space in Biblical times the sea is equivalent to the infinite atmosphere that others thought surrounded the Earth. It is still floating.

If you don't know where Isaiah got the idea of a disc-shaped Earth, go up a mountain and look around. The Earth looks not only round but flat.

Biblical "science", in order. (5-10 minutes for you, maybe, but a longer slog for me.)
- The universe as space, time, matter, motion and force was the idea of 19th century philosopher Herbert Spencer. Any actually scientific global view like this would have included energy, and expressed force as a function of matter.
- What, they couldn't get the idea that the building blocks of matter are invisible from watching a dead rat decay to nothing?
- When you stretch out a curtain or tent-curtain, you stretch it out so far and then stop. This is not ongoing expansion, this is a wide expanse which just sits there.
- We've been over the floating Earth thing.
- And the circle of the Earth.
- "It" could be the dawn as easily as the Earth. If the Bible always said the Earth rotates, why did Galileo have so much trouble when he said as much? And why still the geocentric view?
- Luke 17:34-36 doesn't say anything about daytime. Night falls, and the women are still grinding.
- Of course the earth and the heavens shall perish. They're destroyed in Revelations anyway, so nobody had even considered an eternal universe.
- Job 38:34 is a rhetorical question that says we humans can't send speech by lightning. That we can now do so proves God wrong.
- The morning stars singing together was apparently an event in the past. It shouldn't still be happening.
- The lights tell us that days and nights have passed. Seasons and years are multiple days and nights. There's no evidence for Moses, but if he existed, he knew how to count.
- Is it too much to ask that the fact that there always seems to be more water would suggest to people that it comes back around somehow?
- There were boats and sailors before 800 BC. They had to know about currents (even if they didn't understand them) to navigate and survive, creating literal paths for themselves.
- Those same sailors, using nothing but a plumb bob, would have known the vast changes in sea depth that occur once you're out there.
- They already knew people bled to death, they saw it on the battlefield all the time. There was such a thing as a bandage. The doctors' aim was to bleed out the disease while leaving the patient with enough blood to survive. When they failed, they knew why.
- If Semmelweis had taken the Bible's advice, the staff would have washed solidly for a week. Instead, he worked out hygiene was the issue through process of elimination.

The rest are just summary quotes.

You're missing the point, Maroun. Prophecies and predictions linked to things which have already happened will not convince me, because 1. there are more likely explanations for, or flaws in, all of them so far and 2. as I've said, anyone pushing a prophecy can do it and not just Christians. It's confirmation bias in action to link prophecies to established facts, because we humans like nothing more than to spot connections and patterns. What might convince me, as I say over and over, is a new prediction made from a prophecy which comes true afterwards.

Do you realise that every generation of Christians from the first one onward believed the Rapture would occur in their lifetimes? That means that each generation believed this in spite of one more generation that was wrong. What makes you think you're right when 2000 years and hundreds of generations of other Christians weren't? Why the heck do you place any value in a supposed prophecy by the pagan Mayans, anyway? They are the source of the 2012 date; it's when their calendar runs out.

I am indeed open to the possibility of a God, but that doesn't stop me from thinking there aren't any. I don't think I'll be struck by a meteorite tomorrow either, but I can't be sure it won't happen. I prayed just like you said, Maroun, AGAIN, and got nothing. The problem with this is that as long as I get no reply, you will never believe that I prayed correctly, so you'll be asking me forever.

If you didn't know George Washington was the 1st President and not the 42nd (say, if you were from Chad and didn't have the internet), you might very well write it down thinking it was a message from God. It's an obvious mistake, but it wouldn't be obvious to you. That's more like the case of the books which did get in, warts and all.

I don't need the CD replying to the whole Skeptics' Annotated Bible, because the site posts Christian responses right there with the contradictions. It's happy to do this, in order to show the contortions people have to go through to justify these errors. You didn't read the SAB very much, or at all, or you'd have spotted that.

See how quickly you dismiss the idea that the Bible predicted Muhammed? See, by contrast, how long it takes Tony Costa to debunk that same prophecy? That's how I see the rest of them.

Look, you know my position on prophecies. If the Bible were the only one making them, and being declared right by believers, it might be an easier sell. But no, anyone can get by on self-fulfilling prophecies and interpretative links to past events. Predict the future, and you've got a chance.

The defense of Josephus you gave me tries to predict the actions of a Christian with more occurrences of the word "likely" than it predicts the behaviour of the Jewish author. It does not seem to take into account the fact that the possible Christian writer would be trying not to write as a Christian. In short, I don't buy it.

It is indeed convenient that the apostles were literate and lived so long, isn't it? That's partly why I don't think the apostles themselves, if they existed, even wrote the Gospels. It's such a stretch to assume that they did. I'll argue only so far assuming they did, and at some point I have to remind myself that it's a dodgy proposition.

I don't know if you do know my argument for the apostles dying for a lie. If their object was to spread Christianity, simply because they thought it would help people, they knew they'd still be tortured. Brave soldiers in WWII have shown us that it is physically and mentally possible to die slowly and horribly while maintaining a falsehood, when that falsehood might help someone. The actual Christian argument here is that the apostles (again assuming they lived, and wrote first-hand accounts) could not possibly have died for a lie, and therefore the Resurrection happened. Sorry, but it's just not impossible.

Keep going here if you want, but the idea is supposed to be to put separate arguments in separate "questions". Ultimately, ALL the questions are concerned with the existence of gods.

God is real

Hi SmartLX,

"Turns out the Hindu turtle, Chukwa, swims in an infinite sea of milk. That's not what I thought, but since there was no concept of the vacuum of space in Biblical times the sea is equivalent to the infinite atmosphere that others thought surrounded the Earth. It is still floating."

So ultimately Isaiah did not think the earth was "hanging on nothing" in a sea of milk or just above one, which is obviously incorrect. He knew through insiration of the Holy Spirit (which is what you are not believing I guess) that the earth was hanging on nothing in space, something which is totally different than being held up by whatever type of animal(s) you want.

"If you don't know where Isaiah got the idea of a disc-shaped Earth, go up a mountain and look around. The Earth looks not only round but flat."

Ok lets look at it another way, look at the whole quote (of this translation of the bible): “It is He that sits upon the circle of the earth.” If he sits on the earth, that in his mind is disc like and flat, why would he even mention it? if he would most likely be sitting on flat ground on the earth, or some other part of the earth. Doesn't it make more (logical) sense from the way he wrote it that he meant sitting on an actual circular place, meaning that he is sitting the on the atmosphere of the round and spherical earth. The way it is written even inspired Christopher Columbus to sail around the world. I think you are just looking at it the way you are to disprove evidence of God.

Here is more: "The Bible Reveals that the Earth is Round
The Scriptures tell us that the earth is round: "It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22). The word translated "circle" here is the Hebrew word chuwg, which is also translated "circuit" or "compass" (depending on the context). That is, it indicates something spherical, rounded, or arched -- not something that is flat or square. The book of Isaiah was written sometime between 740 and 680 B.C. This is at least 300 years before Aristotle suggested, in his book On the Heavens, that the earth might be a sphere. It was another 2,000 years later (at a time when science believed that the earth was flat) that the Scriptures inspired Christopher Columbus to sail around the world."

Regarding your other rebuttals to

- There are more than one ways to look at those five things regarding this, but what does it matter? What is your argument here against what the bsf is saying?

- That's just the point, the rat is not decaying to "nothing", and the quote says “The things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” The rat is decaying to things which if they are not visible, are still there. How was this known then. There were no microscopes...

- It doesnt say God stops at any point, it says He stretches out the heavens like a curtain...can you tell me how big God's curtains are?

- I've told you about floating earth.

- I've told you about the circle of the Earth.

- If you would like, read Job 38:12-14 the "It" talked about definitly sounds like Earth. Galileo had so much trouble apparantly because that view (geocentric) was just considered truth back then...too bad they didnt look closer at these passages from Job, and we have obviously come to see now that this passage from Job is correct.

- "34"I tell you, on that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other will be left.

35"(AH)There will be two women grinding at the same place; one will be taken and the other will be left.

36["[b](AI)Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other will be left."]"

Now this is talking about the rapture, which is going to happen obviously at the same time no matter what part of the earth you are in. In 34 it is talking about night time, and two people in bed. In 35 and 36, do you think they are talking about night time? Do people generally do those things (grinding / in the field) at night while others are sleeping? This is showing night time in one part of the world, while it is day time in another.

- Ok

- You mean Job 38:35 right? Anyway regarding "that says we humans can't send speech by lightning. That we can now do so proves God wrong." Did God say all of human kind together for all time? He said to Job "Can you..." Job 38:35 He was talking directly to Job, Job did not invent the telephone. :O)

- God was talking about the stars singing in the past tense because he was talking about when he laid the foundation of the earth. Read Job 38:1-7.

- Not sure exactly what the author on the website meant by this one (if they meant more than you imply), but I am going to e-mail them to find out.

- Who knows? You say it comes back around somehow which we know is true now, but maybe people could have thought rain came from the sky in the old days for example. Before we knew the truth it sure seemed like a better explanation back then. Yet in Amos 9:6 it says:

"6The One who builds His (A)upper chambers in the heavens
And has founded His vaulted dome over the earth,
He who (B)calls for the waters of the sea
And (C)pours them out on the face of the earth,
(D)The LORD is His name." Amos 9:6

By the way I think in that quote is more evidence for advanced scientific knowledge of a spherical earth, the dome part. It seems His dome contains the clouds with water in them, and that it why they are vaulted for God to let them out whenever He wishes.

- How do you know this? In days of old sailors could have navigated by the stars and decided how and when to go by the winds. If "paths" were already known about, why would Matthew Maury have said "If God said there are paths in the sea; I am going to find them.", and then of course gone on to find the warm and cold continental currents. Here is Psalm 8:8:

"8The birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea,
Whatever passes through the paths of the seas." Psalm 8:8

- Firstly as far as I read a plumb bob is used to see if something is exactly vertical, and not used for sea depth. Secondly it would have taken something extremely long for the sailors to be able to go that deep and I really don't think anyone besides Jonah and those whom Jonah told found out about them...

- "They already knew people bled to death, they saw it on the battlefield all the time." Really? The could not have thought that it was the big gaping hole in the persons stomach? It would appear so since doctors tried to bleed out diseases, and regarding that..."The doctors' aim was to bleed out the disease while leaving the patient with enough blood to survive. When they failed, they knew why." Really? How many people had to die this way for them to finally know why?

- What do you mean? Here is the quote:

"13'Now when the man with the discharge becomes cleansed from his discharge, then he (C)shall count off for himself seven days for his cleansing; he shall then wash his clothes and bathe his body in running water and will become clean." Leviticus 15:13

The seven days are not for washing, they are the time alloted for him to become clean. Once the discharge ends, it would appear that it took seven days for him to be cleansed of the discharge or discharge after effects, and then he just washed his clothes and bathed his body in running water (which it would appear is the advise Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis took from the bible.) and he became clean. It never says wash clothes and body for seven days., It just says wash clothes and bath his body and does not specify an amount of time to do it for, so it would seem the normal amount of time to do such things is sufficient.

"The rest are just summary quotes."

I wish you would listen to those quotes...

If you aren't nudged by ANY of the prophecies I sent you in those links, then I think you are being toooo skeptical...especially if since it seems like you aren't even looking into them in depth from your post here about them. Although I do think it would be crazy for us to go over them one by one here, look at them as you have time by yourself... If they were prohesied and have and/or are taking place how can that not at least make you curious/questioning?

"What makes you think you're right when 2000 years and hundreds of generations of other Christians weren't?"

Not an expert on this but I am learning, and more signs and those prohecies which you dont believe in are showing that it is closer than ever. As I wrote below, one of which is the fact that Israel has become a nation again, and has gained control of Jerusalem.

"Why the heck do you place any value in a supposed prophecy by the pagan Mayans, anyway? They are the source of the 2012 date; it's when their calendar runs out."

Not only the Mayans, if I remember correcly more predict the end in 2012. Of course I think the rapture may be in 2012, not the end of the world.

By whichever method these different sources predicted the end of the world in 2012, if what I think is right and the rapture is in 2012, perhaps God did not let these sources like the Mayans see beyond 2012 for a reason...

Regarding prayer, no, like I wrote you before, "As long as you prayed, sincerely wanting the truth in your heart, then I am a happy man, because I know God is going to reveal himself to you." That's that.

"If you didn't know George Washington was the 1st President and not the 42nd (say, if you were from Chad and didn't have the internet), you might very well write it down thinking it was a message from God. It's an obvious mistake, but it wouldn't be obvious to you." When the books of the bible were written, there was not internet, when the bible was put together there was no internet. If latter set of people knew something was an obvious error in history, I think it is safe to say that the former person/group of people who saw the writings would have known that there was an obvious error...historical at the time or not...

"I don't need the CD replying to the whole Skeptics' Annotated Bible, because the site posts Christian responses right there with the contradictions." Why don't you need the CD? You think "they are not worth it" too? He links to sites that rebut his arguments and it seems his answer to that is his own forum? Why doesn't he directly reply to all of the rebuttals made against what he says? Also please show me contortions...have you went on those other websites and read their rebuttals?

"See how quickly you dismiss the idea that the Bible predicted Muhammed?" I know Jesus is God, but of course you seem to have an explanation in your head for everything I've told you about with my personal life, even after I have given you responses to your explanations. If you knew a cat was white, would you go and try to investigate and determine if the cat is black?

"See, by contrast, how long it takes Tony Costa to debunk that same prophecy? That's how I see the rest of them." Tony is going by facts from the bible (did you read it?) I don't think you are trying to do the same regarding the prophecies I gave you in the links.

"It does not seem to take into account the fact that the possible Christian writer would be trying not to write as a Christian." Do you mean deceive/lie? Trying not to write as a christian? I mean I guess since you think people made christianity up (even with Jesus fullfilling all of those prophecies made about him), thinking it will make the world a better place even though it is through a lie, I guess it would not be far fetched at all to you to think that Christian writer would be trying not to write as a christian... If he deceived and lied when following Jesus who is against deceiving/lying.

"It is indeed convenient that the apostles were literate and lived so long, isn't it? That's partly why I don't think the apostles themselves, if they existed, even wrote the Gospels. It's such a stretch to assume that they did. I'll argue only so far assuming they did, and at some point I have to remind myself that it's a dodgy proposition."

Man! This whoooole movement from 2500 BC till after when Jesus died was people trying to make this false hope and religion just trying to make the world a better really have to believe and have faith in alot of things to be an athiest don't you?

"Sorry, but it's just not impossible."

Same argument as above, and even if they were lying, why wouldn't the Jewish authorites have just produced Jesus' body and shown it off in the streets to finally stamp out this annoyance to them??

To finish off thought I would share this story my brothers pastor told. He was at a place where an invitation was given out for people to receive Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Now when you are born again, many times the Holy Spirit lets you know things (kind of like with my Mom and Dad like I told you Smart), my pastor went up to this guy who had not gone up to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, and my pastor told him (don't remember exactly, just telling you from memory) that if he did not give his life to Christ that night he was going to do something tragic. Make a long story short the guy did not give his life to Christ. Two weeks later he beat his father to death with a bat after an argument.

Please don't wait, Jesus loves you and wants you with him now.

God bless you all.


And off we go again.

And off we go again.

I'm glad I learned about the real Hindu myth (it's not as close to Discworld as I thought), but finally, a geocentric view of the universe requires an unsupported Earth. We watch the Sun and Moon pass underneath it, and the stars roll around. There must be space underneath us for it to travel.

"Circuit" and "compass" (the navigational tool or the drawing instrument) are words used when talking about flat circles, not spheres. A disc is an actual, circular place, which you can sit on in two ways: sit comfortably on the flat face, or perch on the rim. Whether a man sits on a flat stone on the ground or on an upright wheel, it makes perfect sense to say he's sitting on a circle.

Columbus knew the earth was round, but because of sailors who had already found this out, not because of the Bible. It's a myth that he had to convince anyone of it. All he didn't know was that America was between him and India.

Think what you like about why I look at these "prophecies" the way I do. In these cases, as you demonstrate by going on and on about which reading makes more sense, it is only by an act of retrospective interpretation that each of these passages is applicable to the modern world. How could a god insert such obscure references to the minutiae of modern science and then have the authors write explicitly that the Sun was created after the Earth, and in one day? Is modern science right, or wrong? Or is it only wrong when it contradicts the Bible?

Science "predictions":

- If there are more than one way to look at the components of the universe, how can you say that this one list of five "elements" has it exactly right and must be divinely inspired? All it matches is the list of one 19th century philosopher who was then superceded.

- What you've said is exactly what someone watching a rat decompose may deduce: that the flesh which disappears has converted to something we cannot see, like air.

- Again, a rotating Earth contradicts the idea that everything travels around it.

- If the passage is talking about the Rapture, it's a prediction, not a statement of the current state of affairs. Nevertheless, women might very well have ground corn into the night at harvest season, to make up time. Know much about agrarian societies?

- God in Job is talking about how powerful and all-knowing he is, and how Job is in no position to question Him. To illustrate that point, every other feat God describes is meant to be absolutely impossible, not just to Job but to any mortal. Why not this one?

- God was indeed talking in the past tense, along with other one-off events such as the sons of God (angels?) shouting for joy. It was a time of great fanfare all round. It says nothing about whether it continued.

- Again, the sky looks like a dome. It appears to be the same distance away in all directions, and the stars appear fixed to it.

- Anyone who's been caught in a riptide or rapids has some idea of water current. Any becalmed vessel will still experience some slight lateral movement, and the current determines the direction. Just dropping a hat in the water will tell you the same thing. Maury may have thought as you do that God was instructing him, but all that is necessary is that the author had been to sea.

- A plumb bob is only accurate if vertical, but if it suddenly goes down twice as far as it did before, you're going to know there is some kind of a drop.

- The gaping holes killed people because they leaked blood. Either you staunched the bleeding, or people died. It was an incompetent battlefield medic that did not deduce this. Diseased patients bled to death despite the doctors knowing well that blood loss could kill. They reasoned that the disease was too strong to be bled out, and therefore had defeated them by forcing them to risk over-bleeding the patient or try other methods.

- Two points: Firstly, again, some measure of experience can have informed the cleansing passage, as those who were wounded and dirty would die before those who were wounded but clean. Secondly, Semmelweis was definitely not taking advice from the Bible. Among the other variables he tested besides cleanliness was religious practices. He hit upon cleanliness because it works, not because the Bible says so.

I do indeed get curious when I read about a supposed miracle, or an old text appears to predict present knowledge. Everything you've sent me makes me extremely curious. But when I'm curious, I don't just sit here and think, "Wow." I satisfy my curiosity by going out and looking for natural, rational explanations. Since I've had some practice at this, I find at least a possible explanation quite quickly, if not the complete story. For anything like this to be an actual proof of God, there would have to be no possible alternative, not just no plausible one. If I find any possible alternative, then I find it more likely than the idea that a god did it.

The Jerusalem prophecy is a perfect example of the contortions required to justify these things. A mathematician points out a simple error in the arithmetic of a supposedly fulfilled prophecy. The Christian responds by changing the length of a year (twice), adding an extra period from a different book (Jeremiah), allowing a few weeks after a date for a city to fall over and so on. There's still an error: the line is, "And after all this, if you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins," meaning there are 8 punishments in total. Cramer only multiplies by 7.

Regarding 2012, I still think the Bible interpreters are cribbing from the Mayans rather than the other way around, but let's just wait for 2012 and see if you vanish.

Regarding prayer, good, that's that, except that now either God's hiding himself from me, or the truth is that He's not there.

You're making my point for me about bad history. You haven't denied that it's possible for uninformed people to think God told them something which turns out to be untrue, at least as they're writing it. The unused books had more obvious errors, which the editors of the Bible (who, if not the internet, at least had a big library) were able to detect. Errors they would not have known about, like descriptions of insects with four legs (Leviticus 11:20-23), stayed in.

I don't need the CD because as I said, there are links to replies to the SAB provided IN the SAB. Here's another example of a contortionist apologist: Does God want some to go to Hell? Click the response from

"None of the verses supplied indicated that God wishes to send men to hell." How does John 12:40 support this? It was a case of "those who had no concern for His way". Yeah, precisely because "He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart". Perhaps these people brought Hell upon themselves, but John says it's because God made them that way. Does He bear no responsibility for that? Why harden hearts?

You're right about the Muhammad prophecy, because as an atheist I often forget that religionists don't reject texts for the same reason as I do. I reject them because they have alternate and more likely explanations. You reject them because they contradict your beliefs, and the texts you've already accepted. Like you say, Costa attacks it with the Bible, rather than history. It only has to contradict his text, not any universally accepted one.

You've actually captured my attitude toward lying for Jesus pretty well. Jesus may have been against lying, but if it takes one lie to stop people from lying altogether, that's a venial sin many believers will bear. It still happens, like in the Dover intelligent design trial: Christians lied about the religious nature of the ID proponents' fundraising in order to bypass the separation of church and state and challenge evolution in public schools. If it worked, they thought, more children would believe in God.

I don't have to have faith in the fact that something is possible, if I see a way it might have happened. The whoooooole movement from 2500BC to 33 AD didn't have to lie about Jesus, just those four people who wrote his story. And they wrote it so late, they probably didn't even know him. All everybody else had to do was believe it.

Come Sunday morning, if you believe anything about the story, the tomb was open and the body was gone. By the time news of the resurrection was out, the Jews had nothing to show. There was either a resurrection or a grave robbery.

What we have in the pastor's story is a man giving him the impression that he's liable to kill somebody. Your pastor tries to "save" him, and fails. He then goes and does exactly what he looked like he'd do. Are we atheists supposed to see ourselves in this bat-wielding maniac? Do you see why we don't?

The hygiene thing

As it happens, I and others had a chance to answer the "Bible called for hygiene first" argument again on Ask the Atheists (plural; no relation to this site). This time I looked at the chapter (Leviticus 15) as a whole, and it appears even less credible when one does so.

God is real

Hi SmartLX,

"I'm glad I learned about the real Hindu myth..."

I am glad you are learning about the falseness of Hinduism from now, that is a step in the right direction.

"Circuit" and "compass" (the navigational tool or the drawing instrument) are words used when talking about flat circles, not spheres. A disc is an actual, circular place, which you can sit on in two ways: sit comfortably on the flat face, or perch on the rim. Whether a man sits on a flat stone on the ground or on an upright wheel, it makes perfect sense to say he's sitting on a circle."

Regarding Circle, it's funny (maybe not funny at all actually) on one of the meanings uses the words of the bible (from Isaiah 40:22) and describes it as a sphere or orb:

"16. a sphere or orb: the circle of the earth."

Regarding Circuit (from again) one of the many meanings if you scroll down you will see interestingly enough along with the Isaiah quote:

"4. A round body; a sphere; an orb.

It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth. --Is. xi. 22."

Regarding Compass (from

"4. Extent; reach; sweep; capacity; sphere; as, the compass of his eye; the compass of imagination."

"9. A circle; a continent. [Obs.]

The tryne compas [the threefold world containing earth, sea, and heaven. --Skeat.] --Chaucer."

Stop looking at things to suit your argument alone and look at them fully and with an open mind...I will speak more of this in my second post below.

"Columbus knew the earth was round, but because of sailors who had already found this out, not because of the Bible."

Regarding this, whether or not Columbus knew from the bible or not, please read the below, more places where a round earth is shown in the bible before the greeks knew about it:

"Think what you like about why I look at these "prophecies" the way I do. In these cases, as you demonstrate by going on and on about which reading makes more sense, it is only by an act of retrospective interpretation that each of these passages is applicable to the modern world."

Regarding interpretation, again I say Stop looking at things to suit your argument alone and look at them fully and with an open mind, especially when it is about something so important.

"How could a god insert such obscure references to the minutiae of modern science and then have the authors write explicitly that the Sun was created after the Earth, and in one day? Is modern science right, or wrong? Or is it only wrong when it contradicts the Bible?"

The bible is the story of what happened, if you read the story, you will reach the parts revealing our modern science.

God is GOD! He created the earth first and then the you think that is too hard for God? Yes he created the sun and moon in one day, do you think that is too hard for him? Quite frankly I think God could have created everything at the same time easily just by speaking it, but he chose to do it the way he did for a reason. He can do anything! He doesn't want to mess with free will though...

If your modern science says the sun was here before the earth, or at the same time, then yes, that it wrong. And yes, if it contradicts the bible it is wrong, because it is going against the TRUTH of GOD. Regarding the scientific proves shown in the bible, if they are proven true and /or evidence is shown that they are true, why don't you believe/at least look into it being correct about other scientific facts such as the sun being made after the earth? Below is a great link for Genesis. With great links at the bottom.

By the way that link says something great about the brain. Read it.

Regarding your rebuttals to

- You had mentioned energy, and out of time, space, matter, power, and motion, like I said "There are more than one ways to look at those five things regarding this". Power and Energy go hand in hand.

- How could someone think something disappears because it became air? Or how could a rat be made of air? “The things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” Hebrews 11:3 This is clearly talking about atoms, if you don't want to take that even in "maybe" context, then open your mind more for truth and stop trying to only defend your opinion.

- "Again, a rotating Earth contradicts the idea that everything travels around it."

I don't understand what you are saying here...that is what I and bsf are saying. This is showing from Job 38:12-14 that the geocentric view is wrong, and that the earth is rotating.

- "If the passage is talking about the Rapture, it's a prediction, not a statement of the current state of affairs."

It is a prediction, showing knowledge of a rotating earth with night and day at the same time.

"Nevertheless, women might very well have ground corn into the night at harvest season, to make up time. Know much about agrarian societies?"

I did not see one place that says women might have ground corn into the night in an agrarian society. secondly, going by your thinking that Jesus was lying/insane/misquoted/made up (because you don't believe he is God yet) and that there were people who grinded, and other people in a field at night when other people are in you think Jesus would have talked about those people here? How much are you going to twist things to try to go with your opinion?

- It is not true that every other feat God describes is meant to be absolutely impossible, especially now. Look at Job 38:39 & 41, Job 39:1&9, and there are probably more if you would like to take the time and look.

- Ok, so me saying "I was happy yesterday" or "The sun gave its light yesterday", does that mean that those things could not have continued?

- "Again, the sky looks like a dome. It appears to be the same distance away in all directions, and the stars appear fixed to it."

Already discussed spherical earth, but regarding your comment, you think the earth looks the same distance away North, West, South and East ok, how about up? It looks like the same distance away? No because Amos 9:6 mentions the heavens too. When talking of a dome over the earth here it is obvious the writer is talking of a rounded top/he knew this is a spherical earth.

- Moving in the water, and being moved certainly does not prove or show that there are continuous currents. The things you mention can be viewed as happening because of other factors such as wind and waves. Those things certainly do not necessitate "...paths of the seas." Psalm 8:8.

- You're missing the point. It would have taken something extremely long (including a plumb bob) for the sailors to be able to go that deep...deep enough to see there are mountains on the bottomof the ocean floor, not hills, mountains...think about it.

- "The gaping holes killed people because they leaked blood. Either you staunched the bleeding, or people died. It was an incompetent battlefield medic that did not deduce this. Diseased patients bled to death despite the doctors knowing well that blood loss could kill. They reasoned that the disease was too strong to be bled out, and therefore had defeated them by forcing them to risk over-bleeding the patient or try other methods."

If the bleeding was stopped the person could surely still have died from a number of factors such as destroyed body parts, internal bleeding, poisoning, infection and perhaps more. Before we gained our current medical knowledge it would appear from this "bleeding" tactic that people did not know that “For the life of the flesh is in the blood.” Leviticus 17:11 If they knew this they would never have tried "over-bleeding" or bleeding in the first I put before, How many people had to die this way for them to finally know why?

- "Two points: Firstly, again, some measure of experience can have informed the cleansing passage, as those who were wounded and dirty would die before those who were wounded but clean."

We are talking about running water verses otherwise such as dipping your hands into the same bowl of water here, secondly we are talking of people cleansed of their discharge talking of washing with running water which is the key here. People who were wounded and dirty back then could very well have been washed with water from a bowl or something like it instead of with running water.

"Secondly, Semmelweis was definitely not taking advice from the Bible. Among the other variables he tested besides cleanliness was religious practices. He hit upon cleanliness because it works, not because the Bible says so."

Wow, how in the world do you know this?? Even if you are right and he didn't do this because of the bible, the fact that the bible talks of washing with running wateris still there, another place it is shown is Numbers 19:17.

"As it happens, I and others had a chance to answer the "Bible called for hygiene first" argument again on Ask the Atheists (plural; no relation to this site). This time I looked at the chapter (Leviticus 15) as a whole, and it appears even less credible when one does so."

Really? Please lets get the opinions of some medical professionals if you are willing to ask them about Leviticus 15. Or if you want just e-mail me what you think is "less credible" about it whenever you want and we can discuss it. (I will tell you why e-mail in my next post).

The following website is good, lays out things already mentioned above, but has other things as well:

"For anything like this to be an actual proof of God, there would have to be no possible alternative, not just no plausible one. If I find any possible alternative, then I find it more likely than the idea that a god did it."

And perhaps this is part of the reason why God is not answering your prayer, I will go into that in my next post. And again, why is it that all these prophecies have and/or seem to be coming true? What possible alternative do you give to that? They have a broad range of possibility and alot of time? What about the ones that dont have a broad range? What is alot of time? They have been coming true, and are still coming true. What else do you want?

"The Jerusalem prophecy is a perfect example of the contortions required to justify these things. A mathematician points out a simple error in the arithmetic of a supposedly fulfilled prophecy. The Christian responds by changing the length of a year (twice), adding an extra period from a different book (Jeremiah), allowing a few weeks after a date for a city to fall over and so on. There's still an error: the line is, "And after all this, if you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins," meaning there are 8 punishments in total. Cramer only multiplies by 7."

You do realize that people make mistakes right? Happens all the time. I'm not a mathematician and I dont think you are, correct me if Im wrong, and I certainly dont think you've studied the bible enough to make an opinion about the math in this case...again correct me if Im wrong...but isn't just Israel becoming a nation again and the recapture of Jerusalem good evidence for you? Or "Oh well they were probably gonna take it back anyway..." Why didn't the Jews get taken out in the holocaust? They came back to take Israel and Jerusalem. Why didn't something else happen? Look at Israel's enemies! Here is a link

If you think Guy has made a mistake, and you are looking for the truth, by all means contact him and I am sure he will be happy to answer you.

"Regarding 2012, I still think the Bible interpreters are cribbing from the Mayans rather than the other way around, but let's just wait for 2012 and see if you vanish."

You're wrong, and I hope you know that I am not basing my faith on the rapture being in 2012. I know Jesus is real because if what he has done in my life and those I know and have heard of. But I do think the rapture is in 2012, and I hope I am right.

Regarding prayer will answer you in my next post.

"You're making my point for me about bad history. You haven't denied that it's possible for uninformed people to think God told them something which turns out to be untrue, at least as they're writing it."

How am I making your point for you? I was writing in the point of view that you think may have happened, which is the writers of the bible did so to delude people. And again, if you wrote something to delude people you would make it as acurate as possible. Being closer in time to history than those who came after them would make their history more accurate than those who came after them.

"The unused books had more obvious errors, which the editors of the Bible (who, if not the internet, at least had a big library) were able to detect."
Again, us with our internet and libraries, certainly do not know more about days of old than the people who lived during, or right after them. This is assuming the people who wrote our current bible were not inspired of God. However, I know God is real, and because of that I highly doubt he would have let something not of him be in the bible.

"Errors they would not have known about, like descriptions of insects with four legs (Leviticus 11:20-23), stayed in."

Regarding Leviticus 11:20-23, please see

Besides, the bible is an accurate historical source:

If you want you can google more.

""None of the verses supplied indicated that God wishes to send men to hell." How does John 12:40 support this? It was a case of "those who had no concern for His way". Yeah, precisely because "He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart". Perhaps these people brought Hell upon themselves, but John says it's because God made them that way. Does He bear no responsibility for that? Why harden hearts?"

You should listen to that and I will explain in a second but first I just want to tell you I went through a very difficult time because of things like this, and I asked about them and was informed. If you ever have questions about this please e-mail me.

Anyway on to your question, with John 12:40 it does not say that as a result of that those men/women went to hell. With every person other than yourself, you do not know the thoughts and feelings and communication between that person and God, all you know is about yourself. There have been times in my life when I have humbled myself and asked God for help, and he has helped me many...many times. These people of whom John 12:40 is speaking, you do not know if they went to heaven or hell.

In addition with John 12:40 and all the other quotes, you have to remember two very important things.
1) Everyone has a free will, and 2) God KNOWS everything that will happen. He KNEW the end from the beginning. He LOVES everyone, but He will not force them to come to him, and He certainly does not want anyone to go to hell. We cannot know every motive of God, but I do know he does not take pleasure in the death of anyone (Ill put quotes in a little bit.)

Regarding Proverbs 16:4, He did not make them wicked, they chose to become so of their own free will. And it does not say the day of evil is the day of judgment. Hopefully these wicked will turn and follow the Lord after this day of evil.

Romans 9:18, does not say as a result anyone went to hell. In addition I like this quote I found:
"At which point I would ask, “How do you propose that we determine the truth about what motivates the heart of God? Will we base our conclusions on our own feelings about what seems right? Or will we base our conclusions on what God Himself says in the Bible to be true about what motivates Him?”"

Regarding 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, the answer from is correct.
"The text in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 is much the same as this from John 12:40. Notice, in verse 10, these were deceived because they did not receive the love of the truth. Verse 12 reveals that rather than believing the truth, these would rather have pleasure in unrighteousness. Thus, God left them to their own devices (compare Romans 1:24, 26, 28)."

Read 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12.

Read Romans 11:33-36

Now, regarding the death of the wicked:

"23(A) Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, declares the Lord GOD, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live?" Ezekiel 18:23

"32(A) For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Lord GOD;(B) so turn, and live."" Ezekiel 18:32

"11Say to them,(A) As I live, declares the Lord GOD,(B) I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live;(C) turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?" Ezekiel 33:11

"You're right about the Muhammad prophecy, because as an atheist I often forget that religionists don't reject texts for the same reason as I do. I reject them because they have alternate and more likely explanations. You reject them because they contradict your beliefs, and the texts you've already accepted. Like you say, Costa attacks it with the Bible, rather than history. It only has to contradict his text, not any universally accepted one."

Actually as I said above, the bible is an accurate historical source. In addition for some reason the site I gave you about Tony Costa has been replaced with a new one (I guess it changes monthly), but if I remember correctly he was taking historical information as well as biblical information.

"You've actually captured my attitude toward lying for Jesus pretty well. Jesus may have been against lying, but if it takes one lie to stop people from lying altogether, that's a venial sin many believers will bear. It still happens, like in the Dover intelligent design trial: Christians lied about the religious nature of the ID proponents' fundraising in order to bypass the separation of church and state and challenge evolution in public schools. If it worked, they thought, more children would believe in God."

If born again Christians do lie, it is a sin and they must repent. If they do not repent from this and other sins, and continue sinning despite the prodding of the Holy Spirit to repent, the following may very well happen to them:

"19"(P)Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

20"So then, you will know them (Q)by their fruits.

21"(R)Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.

22"(S)Many will say to Me on (T)that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?'

23"And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; (U)DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'" Matthew 7:19-23

I highly doubt the Christian writer we were discussing lied. Ultimately, prayer is the way to find out if God is real or not.

"I don't have to have faith in the fact that something is possible, if I see a way it might have happened."

Yet you don't think the bible is true...interesting.

"The whoooooole movement from 2500BC to 33 AD didn't have to lie about Jesus, just those four people who wrote his story. And they wrote it so late, they probably didn't even know him. All everybody else had to do was believe it."

Yes because people will believe anything, be fed to lions, burned alive, etc etc for something they just believe in without evidence.

The whole movement didn't have to lie about Jesus in your thoughts? So all the prophecies they wrote about him and fullfilled can be true, and only the part about his apostles is fraudulent?

Ask yourself how Christianity has survived from a fledgling faith to what it is now? Look at how Christianity kept growing with all the opposition against it. Gamaliel said it well:

"33But when they heard this, they were (AU)cut to the quick and intended to kill them.
34But a Pharisee named (AV)Gamaliel, a (AW)teacher of the Law, respected by all the people, stood up in (AX)the Council and gave orders to put the men outside for a short time. 35And he said to them, "Men of Israel, take care what you propose to do with these men.
36"For some time ago Theudas rose up, (AY)claiming to be somebody, and a group of about four hundred men joined up with him. But he was killed, and all who followed him were dispersed and came to nothing.

37"After this man, Judas of Galilee rose up in the days of (AZ)the census and drew away some people after him; he too perished, and all those who followed him were scattered.

38"So in the present case, I say to you, stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action (BA)is of men, it will be overthrown;

39but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found (BB)fighting against God."

40They took his advice; and after calling the apostles in, they (BC)flogged them and ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and then released them.

41So they went on their way from the presence of the (BD)Council, (BE)rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame (BF)for His name.

42(BG)And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and (BH)preaching Jesus as the Christ." Acts 5:33-42

"Come Sunday morning, if you believe anything about the story, the tomb was open and the body was gone. By the time news of the resurrection was out, the Jews had nothing to show. There was either a resurrection or a grave robbery."

It was a resurrection :O) . Regarding grave robbery

"What we have in the pastor's story is a man giving him the impression that he's liable to kill somebody. Your pastor tries to "save" him, and fails. He then goes and does exactly what he looked like he'd do. Are we atheists supposed to see ourselves in this bat-wielding maniac? Do you see why we don't?"

Your explanation of it really upsets me, how it seems you try to take any explanation that will disprove the existence of God. You think my pastor knew that this guy was going to KILL (seriously...specifically KILL?) someone by the way he looked?

Like I told you before, when you are born again, many times the Holy Spirit lets you know things. That is what happened in this case.

"Are we atheists supposed to see ourselves in this bat-wielding maniac? Do you see why we don't?"

Have you ever imagined yourself in a fight with someone? They did something you didn't like for example, or they called you a name, or they made fun of you, whatever, and then you imagined yourself beating them? Well I have. If you hated that person you committed murder in your heart:
"Everyone who [Matt 5:21; John 8:44] hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that [Gal 5:20; Rev 21:8] no murderer has eternal life abiding in him." 1 John 3:15

Will continue below.

Jesus loves you

(I've truncated Maroun's second post as it's identical to this one in his other favourite thread. - SmartLX)

Probably done here.

There's honestly nothing here I think needs a direct reply. If anyone else thinks there's a good point somewhere, let me know and I'll address it for you, but I think we're too far into semantics and non sequiturs to get any lasting sense out of this particular exchange. Besides, I'm really beginning to upset Maroun, and though I'm not afraid to do that if necessary, it's not my goal.

I'll just say that my newest Great Big Arguments post is relevant to all the claims of scientific and historical foreknowledge in the Bible.