Going out of the closet

well i live in a very catholic oriented environment. I live in a country where one has freedom of religion but does not have freedom from it. There is no separation of church and state, and apparently no separation of church and school since i study in private catholic academy A few years back i was afraid of telling others that i was an atheist. I thought they would think differently of me, but a year ago, i felt comfortable telling that i am an atheist, and i still feel that comfort up to now. The thing is most of my classmates are catholics. out of the 299 students in my batch there are only 3 who are atheist. exposing my self as one makes others ask alot of questions. the usual response i get are, "so you hate god?" or "you worship the devil", some give me a weird stare, but the most often response i get is "WHY?". Well i do have my reasons of being an atheist and for myself but whenever i am asked why i am an atheist; i cannot answer. Maybe because i think that others might find my reason offensive. The main reason why i am an atheist is that i find the concept of religion flawed. How do i explain this to catholics without offending them? i really want to explain my side to them, but i want to avoid having a debate at all cost. i don't want to have an argument especially if it becomes personal
Atheist Answer: 

Correction: there are only 3 in your batch who are openly atheist. A little public exposure of atheism might bring more out. I bet they're just as scared as you.

There's no way to say that you think another person's belief system is without basis so that he/she can't possibly take offence. The very existence of atheists is a slap in the face to some people. On one forum I met a fellow who always put 'atheists' in quotes, to imply we're really something else.

You have to remember, and let people know, that you are not criticising them personally. It's only the religion you've rejected. You don't want to offend people, so that means you're fully aware that your reasons are not intended to offend. If someone does take offence, you should take them to task and explain why that was not your intention. An argument is much easier to lose if the point you concede is that you're not being insulted.

You might have to brave a few short debates at first just to find out what kind of arguments are being thrown at you. After that, you can have some short replies ready to shut them down when they are used again. Just having short, simple answers to common arguments says to the world that you really have thought about this, you've made an informed decision and reciting a few platitudes at you won't have any effect.

A few examples:

"So you hate God?"
"How would I hate God if I don't think He exists? That's like hating Darth Vader." (insert other fictional characters at will)

"You must worship the Devil."
"If there's no God, how could there be a Devil?"

"You can't prove God doesn't exist."
"No, I can't. But I don't see any good reason why He must."

"Why don't you believe in God?""
"There's no available evidence." (There might be follow-up questions, but you know why any of the things they'll bring up are not evidence.)

"If you're wrong, you'll go to Hell."
"If I'm wrong, there are a zillion possible gods to worship and I've got almost no chance of picking the right one."

"So where did the universe come from?"
"I don't know. Nobody does. God's one answer; there might be others."

"Atheists just want to do what they like without being called to Judgement."
"If that's true, why aren't I out stealing and killing? Why am I still being a good person?"

Get the idea? A short statement which not only refutes the argument but makes it sound a little bit misguided. There are comebacks to all of the above, but once you've established that convincing you would take some work you can simply say that you'd appreciate it if they respected your conclusion of atheism the way they'd expect you to respect their faith in Catholicism. (Personally I don't know why faith in itself deserves respect, but they think it does.)

If some people still want to engage you and bring you back to the fold, why not point them to websites like this one? Firstly it will likely have instant answers to much of what they would have said to you, and secondly it will show them that you have your own community behind you and they're not just up against one person.

I honestly don't think you can avoid some confrontations coming out as an atheist in such a staunchly Catholic community. The best thing is to tough it out and learn how to make them as short as possible without insulting people. Those who take offence for no good reason will do so no matter what, so don't think you're not still a nice person if it happens.

Good luck.

- SmartLX


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If you come out and they

If you come out and they don't like it, you can be safe in the knowledge they'll still waste every sunday, 10% of their income, countless hours talking to invisible friends, and many many years throughout their whole life wondering if they're good enough to get in to Fantasy Land.

Atheists? We've got MUCH better things to do. For example I've seen on the atheist volunteer website, the blood drive they did - while everyone else had their fantastically useless "Day of Prayer" atheists went out and actually DID something that WORKS. Make sure you stock up on information like that, undoubtedly you'll get hit with crap like "you don't see ATHEISTS doing anything charitable, you don't see ATHEISTS saving the world every day"

'You don't see ATHEISTS flying planes into building shouting "Praise Richard Dawkins!"'

If they don't accept you just because you don't follow their BFF InvisiMan it's not really your problem - find new rational people to be friends with.

I'm sure you're friends with some of them, or whatever. But if they're going to be intolerant of your lack of religion, then... well I'm assuming you live in a country where atheism isn't punishable by death so I could be getting a little ahead of myself.

By the way SmartLX regarding religious types not 'believing' in atheists, my mother still refuses to accept it... Apparently I was baptised a Catholic therefore I'm catholic forever. True story. Last census (still living at home, 22yo... pathetic yes but moving on) she nearly had a fit when I put down "atheist" as my religion - she tore the paper out of my hands and finished it herself.

About atheism

I hope your mother comes round, Healy.

Islam goes one better than that. To Muslims, everyone in the whole world is born Muslim. They leave the true faith when they join any other one. That's why joining Islam is called "reverting" as opposed to "converting". What really worries me is that the Quran's punishment for apostasy is death, and it's possible to reason from the above that every non-Muslim is an apostate.

Atheists just want to do what they like without being called to

having seen interviews with death row monsters who have found gODD and know that they have been forgiven and will get those 72 ugly girls or a harp whatever. i cant go to confession and become a good person again with a few chants win i screw up and tresspass on another i make it right or i carry the shame.[that get out of guilt free card is cowardly and how dare they... ] explitives abound from my foxhole hail santa

Death Row conversions

When you think about it, Death Row conversions are just like deathbed conversions but with a greater sense of urgency. If you believe, then there's an obvious reason to think you're Hell bound.

oh hell no

dont let my user name fool ya i am a true ortodox athiest thru and thru... never been in a foxhole but ugly guys with ak47s didnt get even a "what if?" from me ty vm

reverting is ours and only ours

everyone is born athiest and like any other sickness some evolve an imunity and some succumb. good health to all