how does one get out of the Law of attraction

How does one get out of the law of attraction? I have tryed everything from asking that so called god to let me go to getting angry and trying to stay away. When I do this cars almost ram in to me in the road. I do not believe this is god, nor do I believe the one from christianity is god either, I have followed both.
Atheist Answer: 

There are a few laws governing attraction. The law of gravity is one. Electromagnetic principles ensure that opposites attract. The Secret's famous "law of attraction" is directly counter to the second one. It does not in fact exist.

I don't doubt that you feel a law of attraction has attached itself to you. This is probably because of a confirmation bias: you pay more attention to supporting evidence than to contrary evidence. A car's ramming into you? Notice that all the others aren't. You are not a magnet.

Explain your situation a bit more. How did you get INTO the law of attraction? Why? What's going on? Help us help you.

- SmartLX


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There is no Law of Attraction.


My reply

I was following the christain God, well I could not do anything he wanted cause i felt pain and misery all of the time and I was reading the bible and it said in it, go ahead, call out to the sticks and the wood and see if they will help you, if you believe there is another God then call upon him, so I called upon him and the very next day, I watched on tv. a man Name wayne dyer who told all about the law off attraction. He said the universe is your source and you can have all you want in this life and be fullfilled, so after I called on him it was all him, no other god existed, In my prayer, I asked for a god who was more powerful then jesus christ and this was my answer.

Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer is a self-help guru who sells books. On television, radio and the internet, every medium he can, he advertises every chance he gets. He did not answer when you called, you just found him while he was shouting.

Neither your old god nor your new one are good for you. Under the first one you expect the impossible from yourself. Under the second one you feel unwanted attention from the world.

Why follow any god at all? They won't chase you if you part from them, though their followers might. Why not be free?

No Offense

no offense but you are very wrong about this,when I follow, I have no pain, when I don't follow, I hurt badly, please only answer the question if someone has quit the law of attraction, thanks.