Where can I see a debate

Is there somewhere that I could watch a video debate between an athies and theist. I would like to see how that would play out, but it must be evenly matched in knowledge. A religious scholor vs. a well versed athiest. I believe that the debate forum is a very good structure for the discusion of opposing ideals.
Atheist Answer: 

Richard Dawkins' site has links to a great many debates between atheists and apologists, and not just the ones the atheist clearly wins either.

Apart from that, I recommend searching YouTube for "debate" and the names of famous atheists and/or apologists. May I suggest Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Michael Shermer and Daniel Dennett on one side, and Dinesh D'Souza, William Lane Craig and Alister McGrath on the other. I won't comment on the relative abilities of these folks, but they've each been in a lot of debates.

- SmartLX