what am I ?

I was doing some surfing and found a site on pantheism. world pantheist movement,they say carl sagan was a pantheist I know Im an atheist and so was carl sagan. Can you be both? my question is can you be an atheist and a pantheist at the same time and whats the differance??
Atheist Answer: 

You can be both, or either by itself.

A pantheist believes that God is the universe and everything in it. Put another way, we are all part of God (rather than just part of God's plan).

If a pantheist believes on top of this that the universe has a purpose - not that it is meant for something, but that it WANTS something - and can break its own physical laws to achieve that purpose, then he or she is effectively a theist in the modern sense, i.e. a believer in an interventionist god.

Otherwise a pantheist accepts that the universe is beholden to its own laws and cannot act intelligently. This is equivalent to an atheist (or, with an additional belief in a Creator, a deist) who simply names the universe "God". Then either label is appropriate.

- SmartLX